IMP/Precision/SuperPrecisionについて、ここに記述してください。 RESPONSES TO 1C OPENING BID WITHOUT OPPONENT'S INTERFERENCE {{{ HCP Distributions and conditions Bid 0-7 Conventional,negative, any distribution. 1D 4-7 Natural, constructive, 6-card suit headed by two top honours at least; pointsconcentrated in suit bid. 2H/ 2S 8+ Natural, minimum 5 cards, game-force except the case when both hands are minimumand misfit; bidding a Minor suit deny a 5 card Major. 1H/ 1S 2C/ 2D 8-10 Conventional,4-4-4-1 distribution. Unusual Positive. Minimum Singleton in a black suit 3C Singleton in a red suit 3D 11+ Maximum Singleton in suit below 3H/3S 4C/4D 8-13 Natural, balanced distribution 1NT 14+ 2NT Conventional, any 7 card suit (at least), with or without side values.3N }}} == OCP == OCP Super-Precision